While staying healthy is important, preventing illness is just as crucial. Whether it's the common cold, the flu, or other infections, taking proactive steps can help you avoid getting sick. Maintaining a balanced diet, practicing good hygiene, and managing stress are all effective strategies for protecting your health.
Tips for Self-Care When Sick
from illness is crucial for allowing the body to heal and regain strength.
Proper rest and self-care can prevent symptoms from worsening and enable the
immune system to recharge, which helps in resisting future illnesses.
Upstate Medical University provides expert advice on steps to speed up recovery at home and tips for avoiding sickness. The article can be read here: https://www.upstate.edu/whatsup/2020/0515-how-to-feel-better-tips-for-self-care-when-sick.php
Recovery Tips
personal hygiene provides numerous benefits. Beyond the obvious prevention of
illness and the reduction of germ transmission, other advantages may be less
immediately noticeable.
BetterHealthChannel, an Australian health website, offers practical advice in the online post "Illness - Tips to Help You Recover." This post provides simple tips for recovering at home, helping to restore strength and return to normal activities. To learn more, read the post here: https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/servicesandsupport/illness-tips-to-help-you-recover
do you stay healthy at home? Share your tips and thoughts in the comments
Author's Note: The SPAN Youth Chat will return on September 25th. Thank you for your continuing support.
Planning For The Future: A Transition Checklist
This checklist serves as a resource for students, with support from their families, schools, and agency professionals, to guide the transition process for students with disabilities in grades 7-12 (ages 14 up to their 22nd birthday).
Although designed for students receiving special education services under IDEA (2004), the checklist may also be helpful for any student with a disability recognizing that each student is unique, it's important to develop an individualized transition plan. Utilize any sections, suggestions, or references that are relevant.
Here is the link to the checklist: https://www.pealcenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/PEAL-Transition-Checklist-Final_03.04.24.pdf
The SPAN Youth Advisory Council
The SPAN Parent Advocacy Network (SPAN) empowers families and informs professionals on children's development and education. Come to our information session to learn about joining our Youth Advisory Council and making a difference for youth with disabilities!
Event highlights:
- Date: Sept 24, 2024
- Time: 5:30 - 6:30 pm
- Location: Virtual
- Make a Difference: Share your thoughts on youth disability programs.
- Develop Skills: Gain leadership experience.
- Network: Connect with peers and professionals.
Register here: https://bit.ly/SPANadvisors
Link to SPAN's website: www.spanadvocacy.org
Link to SPAN's Youth in the Know Resource Page: Youth in the Know
We're here for you! Call SPAN if you need assistance: 1-800-654-7726.