Social media can be entertainment or a way of passing the time, but it can also be a tool. For example, digital activism is when social media is a tool for awareness and bridges hundreds of thousands of online communities on a cause.
How Social Media Influences Activism
has, in many shapes and forms, protests, marches, and various forms of civil
disobedience have been documented throughout history. What makes modern
activism is social media, which can spread knowledge and gather support on a
scale never seen before.
YouTube, the channel Scripps News examines youth-led activism
of the past and points toward social media as the foundation for the next
generation of activism.
Watch the video here:
Digital Activism
State University (OSU) has collected and put several resources into a hub.
These resources focus on the impact of social media on various historical
movements, such as #OccupyWallStreet, #MeToo, the 2011 Arab Spring, and
Find it here:
Introducing Social Media to Your Activism
(#), retweets, and quotes are tools in social media for impressions, but what
about the stories that hold significant causes on platforms and can start trends?
has 6 tips for amplifying social media campaigns, from creating a clear message
to selecting the best platform to spread the word; these tips can be a
potential game changer in developing media campaigns.
Read more here:
are your thoughts on activism in social media? Let us know in the comments.
SPAN Youth Chats: Now Monthly!
Join us on the SPAN Youth Chat (For Ages 14-26) monthly on March 27, from 4:15 - 5:00 p.m.: The SPAN Youth Chat for Ages 14-26
Link to SPAN's website:
Link to SPAN's Youth in the Know Resource Page: Youth in the Know
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