Education is often described as an important step for youth and young adults to find success in the world. However, for those with disabilities, quality education can sometimes be hard to come by. Eye-To Eye National is a community whose goal is to improve education for those with disabilities, in addition to working towards an anti-ableist and inclusive society for all. They were kind enough to join our Chat this week, so let's dive into the resources that they shared with us.
A major component of Eye To Eye's success is the work of their community. This blog post found on their website features several research projects created by six young adults. These diverse projects do a great job of advancing education standards for youth with disabilities, while also opening discussions about different issues facing youth of different backgrounds.
The Transitioning Guide, Plus A Shared Story
What do you think of the Adulting Shorts comic? Do you have any thoughts on self-advocacy? Let us know in the comments below! For youth and young adults, ages 13-26, join us on the SPAN Youth Chat on Wednesdays from 4:30-5:00 PM.
Link to SPAN's website:
Link to SPAN's Youth in the Know Resource Page: Youth in the Know
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