Halloween is a nationwide celebration for millions of families. But there is still much work to make it an inclusive holiday for individuals with disabilities. Read on to learn how families and communities can create an inclusive Halloween in the future.
The best part of Halloween isn't the decorations, the costumes, or even the super sweet candy. The best part of Halloween is having the community come together, with youth of all ages and backgrounds showing off their creativity and having fun. Of course, staying safe should also be a top priority, and this YouTube video from the channel National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD) includes some great ways to stay safe, while also making the spooky season more accessible to everyone.
How to Host An Inclusive Halloween
What's your favorite part of Halloween? Do you have any costume ideas for next year? Let us know in the comments below! For youth and young adults, ages 13-26, join us on the SPAN Youth Chat on Wednesdays from 4:30-5:00 PM.
Link to SPAN's website: www.spanadvocacy.org
Link to SPAN's Youth in the Know Resource Page: Youth in the Know
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