Knowing how to save money
is an important life skill for all ages. We all can benefit from having the financial freedom to spend at school, work, or ourselves. Read more on resources to learn new and fun
ways to save and budget:
Your Money Students - Saving
Watch an example of saving money in the featured video, Your
Money Students- Saving (cdnbankers 2019). "Emily" commits
$12 per day to save $4,380 per year in the video. A goal that isn't possible for everyone but one can adjust a savings plan to their liking.
Saving And Budgeting Activities
Saving money is essential,
but it can also be fun! We Are Teachers is a website that features saving and budgeting activities. For example, listing the difference between needs and wants. And some other creative ways to create a budget.
Teenagers and Saving
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is a government website that includes resources to create a budget. But most importantly, content for youth and young adults to make sound financial decisions through adult supervision, guidance, and feedback.
Have you ever thought
about saving money? If so, is there anything you are saving up for? Let us know
in the comments below! For youth and young adults, ages 13-26, join us on
the SPANYouth Chat on Wednesdays from 3:30-4:00 PM.
Other Resources...
Link to SPAN's website:
Link to SPAN's Youth in the Know Resource Page: Youth in the Know
We're here for you! Call SPAN if you need assistance: 1-800-654-7726