Whether stress, failing classes, or emotional issues, having trouble in school is not your fault. As youth and young adults, our responsibility is to speak on our issues and look for support to help us. Getting help can include interventions & support, a 504 accommodation plan, Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Moreover, if you have an IEP, consider Youth-led IEPS and supported-decision making. Let us talk more about these supports: Interventions and Support: This is when teachers or school faculty directly help you with your challenges. 504 Accommodation Plan: If you have a disability but do not need special instruction to support you. There are supports available under the American Disabilities Act, which is for anyone with a doctor's diagnosis. A school can help under this act with exceptions such as more time to take tests, sitting closer to the teacher, or having a note-taker present in your class. Individu...