Video gaming can be an opportunity
for youth and young adults of different walks of life to improve their
communities. Gaming has become more inclusive as youth and young adults with
disabilities pioneer great developments and shown interest in designing. This
demand inspired the Game-U Accelerate course, free to New
Jersey’s young adults in the state's DDD program. Read more to learn more about
this opportunity and a free mobile app on #SelfCare:
Game-U is open to all youth and young adults that are pursuing a career in video game design. The skills taught and featured on their website are game design, public speaking, animation, 3D modeling, coding, illustration, and many more. And, they're an approved vendor for NJ’s DDD Self-Directed Services. Find more information here:
#SelfCare is an app developed by Tru Luv. An ad-free mobile app developed by gaming enthusiasts who specialize in educating users on self-care for their mental and emotional health. The interactive lessons support you through life's challenges and obstacles. Available on the Apple and Play Store for android users.
Other opportunities to develop skills in this field for youth and young adults are Udemy and Khan Academy. Udemy offers an array of free courses and requires registration. Khan Academy's free courses also include game coding and testing. Both sites offer an interactive way to learn game development.
Are you interested in making video games? Let us know in the comments below. And connect with us in the SPAN youth chat (ages 13 & up) on Wednesdays from 3:00-3:30 PM.
The SPAN Youth Chat will be on break on August 18th and 25th and returning on September 1st. All youth and young adults (past or present attendees) will receive an email with a poll. This poll will collect information on preferred times to host the youth chats for the upcoming Fall season. Thank you for your continuous support.
Jeremy Hayer
The SPAN Youth Chat: The SPAN Youth Chat
Tru Luv #SelfCare:
Computer programming, Khan Academy:
Subscribe to SPAN’s YouTube channel: SPAN Parent Advocacy Network
Link to SPAN’s website:
Link to SPAN’s Youth in the Know Resource Page: Youth in the Know
We’re here for you! Call SPAN if you need assistance: 1-800-654-7726