Personal values reflect who we are and what is important to us. As we grow from kids to young adults, not only do we learn about more and more values, but the values that we see as important might change too. As a kid, you might consider "Honesty" and "Success" to be the most important; as an adult, it might now be "Honor" and "Respect" that you see as the best.
Values can paint a picture of who you are. The values of "Honor" and "Loyalty" normally can reflect policeman or military personnel. Values don't define the person as a whole, but they can foreshadow your future goals.
If you're unsure which values you care for the most, then there's a great resource we'd like to show you. The website: has a free online test that helps to sort which values you'd like the most, based on the answers you give. These values are then sorted into a Top 5 list, showing the most important values to you in no particular order. If you want to see the full list, follow the Values Test link below, under the Resources tab.
What personal values do you like the best, and if you want, why do you like them so much? Let us know in the comment section below. Be sure to register for the SPAN youth chat on Wednesdays at 3 PM, and find the link under the Resources tab. And bring a friend!
Jeremy Hayer
The SPAN Youth Chat: the-span-youth-chat
Values Test:
HiTOPS: Sex Education & Support For All Youth: Peer Leadership Program:
It Gets Better Project: Global Summit:
Subscribe to SPAN’s YouTube channel: SPAN Parent Advocacy Network
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Link to SPAN’s Youth In the Know Resource Page: Youth in the Know
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