Virtual care or Telehealth is the way of the future. More and more doctors are moving less urgent or important meetings to online. It is convenient for the many patients they serve and have the technology. One of the many things that that will be left behind by the pandemic telehealth. Youth and young adults can start preparing today!
There is a new and upcoming webinar by Family Voices, CT KASA, Youth As Self-Advocates (YASA). CARES Act Telehealth Project: Material for Youth by Youth, they will share tools on the topic of telehealth. Join them to hear about the steps to make a successful Telehealth visit. And how to connect with virtual mental health services. Link to register:
For all the youth and young adults who tried signing on in this week's chat. We are aware of the problems with the Zoom link. We are sorry and fixed it with a new link. This week's topic was moved to next week as we talk about the Adolescent Health Initiative on virtual care. Join us on the next youth chat by clicking below to register! See you there.
The SPAN Youth Chat:
Advocacy Stories by Youth for Youth:
Youth-Focused Videos:
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Link to SPAN’s Youth In the Know Resource Page: Youth in the Know
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